Tuesday, June 6, 2017

What are YOU afraid of?  

Do you have a fear of public speaking? Of meeting with prospects? Of your boss?  Do you have a fear of failure or if risk?  

Many of these are common fears that people face every day. What can you do about them,  and how can you get past them and move forward despite them?

Here are 
3 simply steps to overcome fear in any situation with ease. 


It's important to remember that the emotion of fear, in and of itself, is not a bad thing.  Fear is just as necessary an emotion as the emotion of love, or joy or self-confidence.

Fear's function is to keep us safe. It will cause us to run away from danger or will keep us from doing something stupid like jumping in the water if you can't swim.

Yet while fear has it's place, we CAN allow it to run our life and keep us from trying anything new.  

Tony Robins said that one of the best ways of combating fear is to use fear against itself.  In other words, become more fearful of the consequences of fear rather than the thing we fear. For example, what will you miss out on if we won't fly on an airplane?  Who will you miss the opportunity to see?  What exciting experiences will you miss out on and what lasting memories will you never create because you were too afraid to fly?

Fearing THESE consequences MORE than the fear of flying will help you get past this debilitating fear. 

Fear is really a matter of your own mental focus.  Think about it; when you are fearful of something, what you are focusing on?

You are merely thinking of all the things that COULD go wrong.  They haven't gone wrong yet - and there's a good chance they won't!  You just imagine that they MIGHT go wrong.

For example, if you are fearful of speaking in front of others, your thoughts might be something like this:  "Oh no, I'm probably going to embarrass myself in front of everyone!"  "I think I will just sound stupid!"  "What if I trip on the stage in front of everyone!" and so on.

 These thoughts can make you nervous and fearful and  you will allow that imagined fearful situation to keep you from growing and experiencing something new.  What is the opposite of fear?  CONFIDENCE!  COURAGE!  Think about it, when you are confident, where is your focus?  What would you be saying to yourself then? Your thoughts would be different, wouldn't they!

In this scenario, you would be focused on how excited you are to give this presentation.  You are already thinking about how much people will like it and how they will benefit from it.  

Your body language will be different too!  When you are fearful, you tend to be more timid in your movements.  Your voice is not as strong, you lack eye contact, etc.  

On the other hand, when  you are confident, your shoulders are back, your head is up, your stride is intentional, your voice is strong, and you have eye contact with people along with a pleasant smile. 

Since fear is really nothing more than an emotion and is based on the focus of your own thoughts, you can combat fear with an intentionally different focus and stronger thoughts.  You can also squash fear with your deliberate body movements and posture.  This means you have more control over fear than you may ever have imagined!

Just ACTING AS IF YOU HAVE COURAGE GIVES YOU MORE COURAGE!  Conducting yourself as if you were confident gives you more confidence! 

So - there you have it.  You can easily control fear by 

1. Using fear against itself by fearing the consequences of 
    succumbing to fear.
2.  Focusing on what will go RIGHT rather than what could possibly
     go WRONG ... and by
3. Deliberately using your body posture, your voice, your eye contact,     and gestures in a way that will build your confidence.

Vincent Van Gogh said: If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”~ Vincent Van Gogh
Do the thing you fear to do and silence that voice of fear forever!

Leanne Cannon
Author, Speaker, Business Coach
Social Media Marketing Trainer

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